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Why Invisalign Might Be the Teeth Straightening Solution for Your Teen

October 3, 2023

Imagine that your teen's dentist told you that your child needs to have a teeth straightening appliance. That could mean either traditional braces or Invisalign, which are clear mouthguards (or trays) that move their teeth into place. You need to decide which is best. Some think Invisalign is the strongest option, and here's why.

They'll Have More Self-Confidence

It's a matter of what your teen prefers in their mouth. According to PR Newswire, 47% of teens said Invisalign gave them confidence, while only 22% said metal braces provided that same boost of self-esteem. One possible reason for the confidence boost is that Invisalign is more discreet as opposed to the braces, which can be seen from a distance.

They'll Be Able to Eat What They Want

One of the most aggravating things about braces is that they limit what the person wearing them can eat. This is due to food getting stuck in there. Cavities can form in the hard-to-reach areas as well. Invisalign wearers, on the other hand, have no such restrictions. They just pop the trays out and eat. After that, they must brush their teeth or swish their mouths with water and then put the trays back in. A dentist or orthodontist can offer more information.

They'll Need Fewer Orthodontist Trips

Teens have busy social calendars. Luckily, Invisalign doesn't require as many trips to the orthodontist as braces do. That's because braces have wires that constantly need to be tightened. Our dentists will tell you that Invisalign wearers just need to swap out trays every 10 days to two weeks. Then, they go to the orthodontist every six weeks. This allows them to be social, and teeth straightening won't have to be a total nightmare for them.

Whether your teen is a candidate for Invisalign depends on the state of their teeth. If they are extremely twisted, then braces might be the only option, since the wires can pull the teeth into position. Invisalign is for mild to moderate teeth straightening. Your dentist or orthodontist will discuss that with you before making their suggestion.

Have a candid discussion with your teen about their teeth and what needs to be done to help them have straight teeth again. Show them braces and Invisalign and explain both. Enlist the help of professionals while making this decision. Then, you can make the best choice for them.

Are you looking into
teeth straightening solutions for your teen? Coleman Orthodontics can help them get the smile that they always deserved. Contact us today to learn more.

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